
File Size: 1.23 GB

File Type: mp4


File Description:

A sea turtle who was hatched in 1959 spends the next 50 years traveling the world while it is being changed by global warming. Born on a Baja, California beach in 1959, new hatchling Sammy must do what his fellow newborn sea turtles are doing: race across the beach to the ocean before they are captured by a seagull or crab. Thus begins Sammy's incredible fifty-year ocean journey. Along the way he meets his best friend, a fellow turtle named Ray, and overcomes obstacles both natural and man-made while trying to fulfill his dream of travelling around the world. Throughout his voyage, Sammy never forgets about Shelly - the turtle he saved on his first day and loves passionately from afar. Based on the actual trajectory of a sea turtle's life, the film illustrates the dangers humans pose to the species' survival. The film combines entertainment with an important environmental message.

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